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1. Identify Testing Requirements

Use the guideline for identifying what testing requirements are needed.

Step Action
1.1 Reference SSPC-SP1.

Removal of all visible oil, grease, soil, drawing and cutting
compounds, and other soluble contaminants from steel surfaces with
solvent, vapor, cleaning compound, alkali, emulsifying agent, or

2. Surface Cleaning

Surface Cleaning

Complete these steps to clean the surface with solvents.

! WARNING – Verify that the proper LOTO is in place and equipment is de energized prior to cleaning the surface when applicable.

Step Action
2.1 Inspect the surface for oil, grease, soil, and salts.
2.2 If necessary, wipe, brush, or scrape away any heavy deposits. It is
best to use the least amount of solvent to do the job. Protect ground
or surfaces from contamination during cleaning, and clean up when
2.3 Use guideline in SOG to determine the proper product to clean the

  • Power Wash / Hotsy
  • Simple Green
  • Clean-n-Etch
  • MEK
  • Steam
  • Chlor-rid
2.4 Review SDS, Safety Data Sheet and PDS, Product Data Sheet.
! WARNING – Proper ventilation is required when using certain products; review SDS and PDS documentation.
2.5 Apply proper solvent/ cleaning product.
! WARNING – Ensure there are no chemical reactions while using different chemicals.
2.6 If possible, power wash the surface.
2.7 If grease or oil is still present, apply solvent directly and use a scrub
brush or wire brush.
2.8 Wipe clean with rags or power wash the surface.

  • Use clean rags, rinse and change out rags regularly so as not to smear around grease or oil from dirty rag or dirty solvent
2.9 Properly dispose of contaminated rags

  • Either let rags dry and dispose of in trash or dispose of in
    metal bucket with lid.
2.10 Contain and dispose used chemicals properly

  • Put solvent in sealed bucket labeled “used solvent” for
    transportation to accumulation area at shop
  • Once solvent is at accumulation area at shop us proper
    guideline for handling instructions.

3. Removal of Soluble Salts

Removal of Soluble Salts

A quality control or project leader will test surfaces for soluble salts prior to coating application. If salts are present, use the following guideline

Step Action
3.1 Add Chlor*rid solution to water supply on pressure washer at a ratio
of 1:100.
3.2 Pressure wash surface

  • Minimum 3000 psi recommended
  • Preferably, use a zero degree rotating nozzle, or narrow fanspray nozzle.
3.3 Flush the pressure washer and lines prior to application
3.4 Hold pressure nozzle perpendicular to the surface and preferably 4-8 inches away to ensure all surfaces are washed with direct high pressure.Note: In areas of deep pitting, slow the wash speed to enable better cleaning.
3.5 DO NOT rinse.
3.6 For hand washing, use Chlor*rid DTS directly from container.