Washing the Surface

Complete these steps to pressure wash the surface.

Step Action
4.1    Hold the gun with both hands.
4.2    Hold the gun about 45 degrees to the surface.
4.3    With the gun held tight, squeeze the trigger.
4.4    With the trigger squeezed, keep the gun in motion.

u CAUTION – Surface damage can occur if the gun is held in one place too long.

4.5    Repeat washing steps until the surface is clean to the desired requirements.

Note: Removal of dirt and debris versus removing paint will require different effort and techniques. Check level of surface preparation requirement with your foreman or coating PDS for cleanliness requirement.

Note: A smaller angle spray tip may be needed to perform a more detailed cleaning of the surface.

4.6    If burner is used, make sure to turn the burner off and run cold water to cool the unit before shutting down the pressure washer.
4.7    If a detergent injector was used, flush all lines with clean water to remove soap residue.
4.8    Turn OFF the pressure washer.
4.9    Disconnect the water supply.
4.10 Roll up the hoses and store neatly.
4.11 Allow the surface to dry.