Background Mixing Paint

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Tools / Equipment

The following equipment will be required:

▪ Hard hat
▪ Safety glasses
▪ Steel toe boots/shoes
▪ Respirator
▪ Tyvek or Appropriate Protective Clothing
▪ Hearing Protection
▪ Gloves

The following equipment may be required:

▪ Flat Head Screwdriver / Paint Can Opener / Scraper
▪ Mixer – Electric / Air, with proper mixing paddle
▪ Spare Buckets
▪ Trash Bags
▪ Fire Extinguisher
▪ Mixing Stick
▪ Proportioning Buckets


Requirements for this guideline include:

▪ Qualified Mandros Painting personnel
▪ Job Safety Analysis (JSA)
▪ Equipment Inspection
▪ PPE and Hazard Assessment
▪ Review SDS and PDS
▪ Notification of all parties involved


For information relating to occupational safety and health, refer to SDS to
understand chemical safety and handling for all chemicals used.


Manufacturer’s manuals and related documents

Refer to the following materials for detailed information about this task:
▪ MPI Safety Manual
▪ Safety Data Sheets
▪ MPI-1203: Product Data Sheets