Guidelines Mixing Paint

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1. Mixing Station Set Up 

Use this guideline to properly establish a mixing station: 

! WARNINGSmoking is not permitted near mixing station.

Step  Action
1.1  Cover work surface or ground with plastic, drop cloths, plywood, etc. Note: Store materials neatly and out of the way. 

CAUTION: Keep solvents and paint related materials isolated and secure to reduce environmental impacts.

1.2  If lighting is required indoors or in any confined space where flammable  vapors may be present 

! WARNING: Ensure that only explosion proof lighting is used.

! WARNING: Inspect all lights, extension cords, and electrical equipment for damage. 

! WARNING: Use GFCI’s for extension cords and electrical equipment. 

! WARNING: Ensure there is sufficient ventilation to remove flammable vapors. 

CAUTION: Run cords out of the way of walking paths or run overhead, and securely tie off.

1.3  Set-up mixer: 

Connect air hose to air compressor. 

Run a sufficient amount of hose to reach mixing area. 

Holding on firmly to the end of the air hose, crack compressor valve to  blow out hose (verify there is no dirt, grit, etc. in air line that will  damage mixer). 

Connect hose to mixer. 

Verify air valve at mixer is turned OFF. 

Turn ON air supply at compressor. 

CAUTION: Run hoses out of the way of walking paths and securely  tie off. 

CAUTION: Verify all hose connections have whip checks and safety  pins in place.

1.4  Ensure mixer is placed in a secure location or hung, so it cannot be  dropped, damaged, or cause environmental impacts. This reduces  accidental engagement of the mixer.
1.5  Review the SDS and PDS prior to mixing any material. ! WARNINGReview all safety precautions for the material being mixed.
1.6  Inventory materials to ensure correct amount is on site and all components  are in the proper kit ratios.
1.7  Review bucket labels for batch numbers and document on QC form.  Verify product is within shelf life.
1.8  Complete workplace inspections throughout the project, verifying that Cords and hoses are secure and routed properly. 

Mixing paddle is in good condition. 

Air mixer is lubricated periodically and muffler is installed. Mixing area is kept clean and tidy.

2. Managing Paint/ Coating Materials 

The following guideline should be used to manage paint or coating materials.

Step  Action
2.1  Review and understand the SDS (Safety Data Sheet). 

Hazards associated with the product 

Protective measures needed when using the materials

2.2  Review the PDS (Product Data Sheet) and AIS.  

Understand the following: 

Surface preparation requirements 

Application equipment 

Environmental conditions 

Application procedure 

Pot life 

Dry/cure times 

Recoat windows 

Shelf life 

Mixing ratios 

Induction times / Sweat-In times

2.3  Manage the storage and organization of materials. 

All materials must be in properly labeled containers.

Note: If coating gets on label, it must immediately be cleaned off to  preserve label and information. Make every attempt to avoid labels  being covered. 

Lids or caps must be secured on all containers when not in use Paint and Coating materials in use should always be covered with  plastic or a rag to prevent dust and debris contamination 

Ensure materials and solvents are stored in a well ventilated and  secure location out of weather that may enter the containers. Ensure materials are stored in environmental conditions in  accordance with product data sheet requirements. 

Materials should be segregated into like components and like kits to avoid accidental miss match and miss mix. 

Materials should always be stored in a tidy and organized manner with labels and handles facing forward for easy  

identification and handling

3. Mixing 

The following guideline should be used when mixing paint with air or electric mixers.

Caution: Inspect all equipment for damage. If damage is present, replace, red tag, and report to supervision. 

Caution: Always keep lids on buckets or ensure buckets are covered to prevent contamination, spillage, or fires.

Step  Action
3.1  Verify that mixing area has adequate ventilation prior to mixing.
3.2  Stage components to be mixed and verify correct material in the correct  ratio.
3.3  Remove lids and premix components separately. 

Note: See 4.1 for detailed instructions when boxing is required.

3.4  If mixing a full kit, verify there is sufficient space in bucket for both  components and thinning solvent. 

If mixing a partial kit, utilize a proportioner bucket to ensure correct  ratio of base to hardener. 

Note: When pouring from buckets avoid covering labels with paint.  Pour opposite side of labels and/or batch number.  

Note: Solvents, resins, and additives can settle to the bottom. Premix  to ensure all components of paint are mixed uniformly. 

3.5  Pour the hardener into the base and thoroughly mix the material.

Note: See 4.1 for detailed instructions

3.6  Refer to PDS and painter to determine amount of solvent needed.
3.7  Thoroughly mix the solvent into the coating.
3.8  Refer to PDS to check induction time. Let mixed coating sit for the amount  stated (when required).
3.9  Coating is ready for use.

4. Boxing 

The following guideline should be used when boxing. 

Note: Boxing is a method of mixing by means of pouring material in rotation between 2 or more  buckets to ensure consistency.

Step  Action
4.1  Pre-mix coatings (without hardener) thoroughly to ensure consistency  using air or electric mixer.
4.2  Box tinted coatings together (without hardener) for color consistency  by pouring material back and forth between buckets. 

Start by pouring half of bucket 1 into an empty bucket 

Use bucket 2 to fill bucket 1. 

Use bucket 3 to fill bucket 2, etc. 

Repeat this process until all coating has a uniform tint and  consistency

4.3  Pour all material into original containers and scrape leftover material from  extra bucket into original containers.
4.4  Replace and seal lids.

5. Tips & Tricks 

Boxing The following tips should be used when mixing paint:

Step  Action
5.1  Refer to PDS to understand coating characteristics to ensure  success: 

Pot life 

Shelf life 

Drying Schedule 

Temperature Parameters 

Mixing Ratios 

Mixing Methods 

Mixing Equipment 

Thinning Solvents 

Cleanup Solvents 

Container Sizes 

Induction Time / Sweat-In Time 

Flash Point

5.2  Follow these steps each time you mix: 

Start with mixing paddle at low speeds to pull material from  sides of the container. 

Adjust mixer speed as necessary: 

Slightly tilt the mixer when mixing. 

Place the paddle on the bottom of the buck to fully pull all  material from the bottom of the bucket. 

Watch closely for tint and consistency: 

Once consistency is correct, slowly lift mixer while reducing  speed to free material from paddle. 

Place the mixing paddle into a second bucket and spin off the  additional material from the paddle.

5.3  Keep the paddles clean, as dried material will cause paddle to rotate  at uneven speeds and will cause vibrations or render paddle  ineffective.
5.4  Thinning Solvent can be used to clean buckets to minimize material  usage and waste.
5.5  Document batch number.