Guidelines Using a PDS

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1. Using a PDS

Use this guideline to properly review a PDS: 

! WARNING – Review SDS and PDS prior to starting coating work. 

! WARNING – Review SDS for Personal Protective Equipment  (PPE) requirements.

Step  Action
1.1  Obtain the most current copy of the SDS and PDS for the product.
1.2  Review the SDS for information relating to occupational safety and  health for the chemicals in use.
1.3  Obtain the PDS from supervision, Mandros office, online, or from  product supplier. 

Caution: Reviewing the PDS is critical to proper mixing and  application of the material, and not following the PDS can  cause coating failures.

1.4  Review the Product Description, Performance Characteristics, and  Recommended Uses to ensure that the product is a good fit for the  application.
1.5  Review the Product Characteristics 

Volume of Solids: to understand at what thickness the coating  should be applied (wet mils) and how that relates to cured/  dried coating thickness (dry mils). 

Mixing ratios: to understand what proportions the components  must be mixed at for the system to perform properly. 

Recommended coverage rates: to understand how much  material is needed for the amount of surface area that requires  coating. 

Drying schedule: to understand: 

o When it is safe to touch 

o When it is safe to handle 

o How long until you can recoat as well as the length of  time available to apply additional coatings before  

additional surface prep is needed. 

o Time until it is fully cured 

Shelf life and pot life: to understand 

o How long the product is good for after its manufactured  date. 

o How long you have to work with the product once it’s  mixed. 

Sweat-in Time: when applicable, to understand the amount of  time to wait after material is mixed until it can be used. 

Flash point: to understand the lowest temperature at which  vapors of the material will ignite 

Proper solvents to use for thinning and cleanup

1.6  Review Recommended Systems section to verify compatibility of  coating with various primers, intermediate coats, or top coats on  different substrates.
1.7  Review Surface Preparation section to determine how substrate  should be prepared prior to coating application.
1.8  Review Application Conditions to ensure that coating materials are  applied within the environmental parameters. 

Air temperature 

Material temperature 

Surface temperature 

Relative humidity 

Dew point

1.9  Review Ordering Information and verify proper container sizes and  quantities are onsite before mixing.

2. Using an Application Data Sheet or Application Bulletin

Use this guideline to properly review an ADS.

Step  Action
2.1  Much of the information in the ADS is the same as the PDS. If you  need more detail on the product characteristics, review the ADS  information more thoroughly.
2.2  Application Procedures: This section describes how the material  should be mixed and applied.
2.3  Application Equipment: This section describes the proper equipment  and equipment specifications needed to apply the material correctly.
2.4  Performance Tips: This section describes techniques to most  effectively apply the material.

3. Appendix A: PDS Example